Mitch’s Maples

Upon leaving the Niagara Falls area, we drove to Chester, Vermont and a place we had been to before, Mitch’s Maples. We wanted our grandson to see how maple syrup is made. Having visited Mitch’s Maples once before , we had enjoyed talking to Mitch and learning about the process he goes through working at a sugar house,

We started by walking into the woods to see the maple trees. Seeing how they are tapped was interesting.  You can see the tubes that collect the sugar on the trees. This tubing then goes to the sugar house where it is cooked and reduced down. I think it takes about fifty gallons of the raw product to make one gallon of syrup.

We didn’t get the tour that we had gotten in the past.  Mitch was cooking the syrup and putting it in bottles. We did however get to see the operation and we got to see how he bottled the syrup.

Before leaving Mitch’s Maples, we did buy some syrup to bring home with us and we found that Mitch had some candy made from maple syrup. Mitch’s is a nice stop for anyone to see the maple syrup process.

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