Tag Archives: Caffe Vittoria

Old Town Trolley Boston

After a some great food at Caffe Vittoria and several cups of their wonderful Italian coffee, we walked back to the Old Town Trolley stop.  We boarded the next trolly and traveled to the next stop which was the USS Constitution and USS Cassin Young at the Charlestown Navy Yard.

Old Iron Sides
Old Ironsides
My mother by the ship
My mother by the ship

We toured Old Ironsides and enjoyed the displays the Navy had set up for the weekend.  From the Navy Yard you can see Bunker Hill.

View of Bunker Hill


The walk from the Navy Yard to Bunker Hill is not an easy walk.  It is a twisting path uphill and is steep at times.  The day we visited there were some people dressed in costumes with muskets telling the story of the battle.  To me, a person with several graduate hours in history, the walk was well worth it.  On the bright side the walk back to the trolley stop was all downhill.  The next stop for the trolley was the home of the Bruins and the Celtics, TD Garden.  Due to time restraints we decided to stay on the trolley instead of getting off at this stop.  Stop five was a great historical site.  At stop five you can tour the Old State House, the site of the Boston Massacre, Old South Meeting House and the Kings Chapel and Burying Ground.

Stop six was another where we decided to stay on the trolley, but went back to visit the following day.  Stop Six was Boston Public Garden and the Theater District.  Stop Seven is Cheers and would be our lunch the next day.  Stop Eight is Trinity Church and shopping.  Stops Nine through Eleven were pretty much shopping so we stayed on the trolley.  Stop Twelve is the home of the Red Sox and I would have enjoyed getting off but I decided to wait until I could come back to a game.

Stop Thirteen is MIT and Harvard Square.  Again, we stayed on the trolley because my daughter attends Harvard and we  know the area pretty well. Stop Fourteen has many interesting sites including the State House.

State House
State House

Stop Fifteen has several historical sites but our time was too short for us to stop.  Stop Sixteen is the Boston Tea Party Ships and Museum and is a fun stop that brings the history to life. This stop is worth your time as you help the Sons of Liberty throw the King’s tea into Boston Harbor.

Boston Tea Party Ship
Boston Tea Party Ship

Our remaining stops were along the Harbor and we decided to stay on the trolley until we arrived back at our starting point.  As we exited the Old Town Trolley we began to discuss where to eat dinner.




Caffe Vittoria Boston

After leaving the Old North Church, we decided to get something to eat. Eating is not a problem in Boston’s North End as there are over one hundred restaurants in this section of Boston.  We decided on a snack to get us through the rest of the day so that we could enjoy a meal that evening.

Caffe Vittoria

As we turned back onto the street toward the Revere House we saw a very authentic looking Italian coffee and pastry shop called Caffe Vittoria.  As soon as we entered the cafe we knew we would enjoy our visit.  Outside was Boston but inside the  caffe was Italy.

Caffe Vittoria

Keeping somewhat to our plan, we ordered coffee and pastries. Caffe Vittoria has a great selection of coffees; you may want to try an Italian coffee.  I had an eclair which was wonderful but we also had cannoli and chocolate ganache.

If you come to Boston’s North End you will see people lined up to get fast food pastries and walking away with their white bags or boxes.  I am sure their pastries are good and they will enjoy them but they are missing out on so much.  If you go, take a few minutes to sit down and have a cup of coffee as you travel back to another time in old Italy.