Tag Archives: Last of the Mohicans

Fort William Henry

Fort William Henry

I found Fort William Henry to be one of the best stops for people interested in history. The fort is located just a little west of the Lake George Battlefield in Northern New York. The building of the fort was ordered by William Johnson. The construction was over seen by William Eyer a British military engineer.

Fort William Henry
Fort William Henry

The fort was attacked twice by the French and Indians. The first attack occurred while Eyer was the forts commander. Eyer was able to repel the assault and hold the fort. The second attack which is better known was made famous by the novel “Last of the Mohicans”   and by the Fort William Henry massacre. The fort which was destroyed in the second attack has been restored back to what it was at the time of the attack. 

The fort when it was fully occupied was the third largest settlement in the English colonies. Only New York and Philadelphia had larger populations.  

While touring the fort you will meet several reenactors, who will help to bring it all to life for you. They fire both muskets and cannon as well as guide you on ghost tours on select nights. I have not been on the ghost tour but I think it could be interesting.